
Hip Hop: Kanye West x My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy (Review)

I know you all didn't think I'd keep you without a review of my most favorite beloved artist Kanye West. Stop everything your doing. Kick your feet up, if possible turn on Kanye's album and read my review of My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. This write up is packed with photos of the journey to MBDTF. ENJOY the JOY.

"You might think you've peeped the scene, you haven't
The real one's far too mean
The watered-down one, the one you know
was made up centuries ago
They made it sound all wack and corny
Yes, it's awful, blasted boring
Twisted fiction, sick addiciton
Well gather 'round children - ZIP IT LISTEN!"

Kanye West picked the perfect introduction to his latest haunting tale. The lines spoken by Nicki Minaj let's you know exactly what your ears and mind are in store for. Yes, As fans we don't ever know the whole story of whats going on within our favorite artist mind. If we're alike then you don't rely on certain media gossip outlet's to form your opinion on an artist. You wait to hear the artist set everything straight. Continue reading after the jump to know the real story...
Tell all is exactly what Kanye West did on My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. The way Kanye literally made people (believers & non-believers)  hold thier breath in anticipation is something I have never seen before by a music artist. From disappearing from the lights after the MTV bullshit then going on to intern with FENDI, living in Japan, dating the Amber Rose character, still all of this kept us dangling from the cliff hoping Kanye would drop a hit song quieting all the nay sayers. But isn't that just what typical music artist do?

Typical is a word that can never be used in the same sentence, paragraph, or even book when you discuss Mr. West. A true genius artist at his prime is what Kanye is. To keep you dangling Kanye slowing started to reappear through many different platforms; hitting the stage with Jay-Z in June this year at Isle of Wight, to being his own little "pop-up shop" at places like, Twitter, Facebook, & Rolling Stones headquarters (Even joining the social networks), creating the now copied G.O.O.D Fridays, and completely blowing our minds with his first film RUNAWAY. This man is someone to keep your eyes on and never sleep on not for the slightest moment.
This all made us want and feel a need to hear his story of everything that transpired behind-the-scenes of his career pit-stop. MBDTF shed light onto how Kanye was treated after the MTV fiasco (which I still think was rode out by the GIRL for more attention), people turning their backs on him, everyone saying this or that, but in songs like GORGEOUS Ye let everyone know how he feels about the situation stating
 "I don't really give a fuck about it at all
cause the same people that tried to black ball me
forgot about 2 things, my black balls"
Even those who thought it was now the next rappers time to shine West had something to say about that also:
"I aint got it I'm going after whoever who has it
I'm coming after whoever who has it
you blowing up, that's good, fantastic"
You see a genius always needs some time off to let the regular people have their time. The genius takes time to think about things as if playing chess. Kanye went to gather himself, so he could give his fans what we've all been waiting for. No, not another COLLEGE DROPOUT or LATE REGISTRATION just another classic album. Real music lovers understood this from Rolling Stone, The Source, Pitchfork, among others all giving MBDTF the highest rating possible. With the quality of music being released as of late it is extremely refreshing to see that corporate magazines still have taste in music.
Having songs like Blame Game, Hell of A life, All of The Lights, & Lost in The World Kanye knew there was no need for him to over promote his album, to appear on every TV channel overselling MBDTF. I believe Kanye knew this album would sell it self (apparently after canceling all press after the Today Show crap that was pulled). Kanye even so slyly banished from Twitter approximately a week before  the release of MBDTF. Letting the world know he doesn't have to be active on a social network to make album sales. Obviously not after topping the charts with first week sells of  518,775 (which I think is awesome or I maybe I'm reading too much into it). Then to be nominated for a Grammy for his single 'POWER'. Kanye West IS the Micheal Jackson of our generation (At least mine. I never was too big on MJ). I know Mrs. Donda West is smiley that beautiful smile down at her son. JOB WELL DONE.

Must Listens:
1. Dark Fantasy with Nicki Minaj
2. Gorgeous Feat. Kid Cudi & Reakwon
5. All Of The Lights Feat. Kid Cudi & Rihanna
10. Hell Of A Life
11. Blame Game with Chris Rock & "Amber" Voice
12. Lost In The World

(Special thanks to Rolling Stones, FUCKYEAHYEEZY, The Source, and Tumblr for all the info and photos.)

Here's an extra special treat for you all.
























Hip Hop: Kanye West x My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy (Review) Hip Hop: Kanye West x My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy (Review) Reviewed by Ann Caesar on 12/05/2010 04:00:00 PM Rating: 5

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