
Watch the Royce 5'9" Video "Which is Cool"

Da 5'9" is back with his third offering over the last seven days.

A fter announcing he will be dropping an accompanying EP title 'Tabernacle', Royce Da 5'9" joins forces with Nottz to deliver a pre-album bonus titled "Which is Cool." This track will NOT be on Royce's upcoming LAYERS album but may make an appearance on the Trust the Shooter, which has not gotten an official release date. LAYERS is now available for pre-order on iTunes.

Watch Royce in the Rik Cordero-directed visual below, featuring Da 5'9" strolling through an convenience store, spitting bars.

Watch Royce Da 5'9"s "Tabernacle" video here
Watch the Royce 5'9" Video "Which is Cool" Watch the Royce 5'9" Video "Which is Cool" Reviewed by Unknown on 3/22/2016 10:22:00 AM Rating: 5
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